Videooji nder haala Fulfulde

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markus suura 1

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markus suura 3

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markus suura 2

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markus suura 4

mbuurnam Iisa

  • 2:07:53

    JESUS - video fuu

  • 8:08

    1 The Beginning

  • 3:42

    2 Birth of Jesus

  • 2:15

    3 Childhood of Jesus

  • 3:47

    4 Baptism of Jesus by John

  • 2:22

    5 The Devil Tempts Jesus

  • 3:07

    6 Jesus Proclaims Fulfillment of the Scriptures

  • 1:02

    7 Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector

  • 2:01

    8 Miraculous Catch of Fish

  • 2:14

    9 Jairus's Daughter Brought Back to Life

  • 3:10

    10 Disciples Chosen

  • 1:02

    11 Beatitudes

  • 3:38

    12 Sermon on the Mount

  • 0:19

    13 Blessed are those Who Hear and Obey

  • 2:56

    14 Sinful Woman Forgiven

  • 0:43

    15 Women Disciples

  • 1:56

    16 John the Baptist in Prison

  • 2:18

    17 Parable of the Sower and the Seed

  • 0:55

    18 Parable of the Lamp

  • 1:58

    19 Jesus Calms the Storm

  • 2:16

    20 Healing of the Demoniac

  • 2:29

    21 Jesus Feeds 5,000

  • 1:23

    22 Peter Declares Jesus to be the Christ

  • 1:45

    23 The Transfiguration

  • 2:15

    24 Jesus Heals Boy from Evil Spirit

  • 0:57

    25 The Lord's Prayer

  • 2:23

    26 Teaching About Prayer and Faith

  • 0:54

    27 Woe to Those Who Cause Others to Sin

  • 0:28

    28 The Kingdom of God as a Mustard Seed

  • 0:29

    29 Jesus Spends Time with Sinners

  • 1:57

    30 Healing on the Sabbath

  • 1:38

    31 Parable of the Good Samaritan

  • 1:44

    32 Healing of Bartimaeus

  • 2:21

    33 Jesus and Zaccheus

  • 0:42

    34 Jesus Predicts His Death and Resurrection

  • 1:10

    35 Jesus's Triumphal Entry

  • 1:00

    36 Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem

  • 1:51

    37 Jesus Drives Out Money Changers

  • 0:45

    38 Widow's Offering

  • 0:59

    39 Annas Questions Jesus's Authority

  • 1:50

    40 Parable of the Vineyard and Tenants

  • 0:58

    41 Paying Taxes to Caesar

  • 2:55

    42 The Last Supper

  • 2:29

    43 Upper Room Teaching

  • 4:22

    44 Jesus is Betrayed and Arrested

  • 2:23

    45 Peter Disowns Jesus

  • 1:58

    46 Jesus is Mocked and Questioned

  • 1:43

    47 Jesus is Brought To Pilate

  • 1:24

    48 Jesus is Brought to Herod

  • 2:56

    49 Jesus is Sentenced

  • 3:34

    50 Jesus Carries His Cross

  • 2:49

    51 Jesus is Crucified

  • 0:56

    52 Soldiers Gamble for Jesus's Clothes

  • 1:06

    53 Sign on the Cross

  • 1:39

    54 Crucified Convicts

  • 1:45

    55 Death of Jesus

  • 2:00

    56 Burial of Jesus

  • 1:28

    57 Angels at the Tomb

  • 1:22

    58 The Tomb Is Empty

  • 1:55

    59 Resurrected Jesus Appears

  • 1:15

    60 Great Commission and Ascension

  • 5:40

    61 Invitation to Know Jesus Personally


  • 1:01:04

    Magdalena - video fuu

  • 1:08

    1 Title and Introduction

  • 1:15

    2 Mary Magdalene goes to Rivka's house

  • 2:29

    3 Creation

  • 1:27

    4 Temptation and Fall of Mankind

  • 2:12

    5 Abraham

  • 1:18

    6 Isaiah

  • 1:56

    7 Announcement to Mary

  • 1:16

    8 Mary's Visit to Elizabeth

  • 1:18

    9 Joseph's Response

  • 0:23

    10 Birth of Jesus

  • 1:04

    11 Simeon's Prophecy

  • 0:50

    12 Explanation of Miraculous Birth

  • 1:31

    13 Baptism of Jesus by John

  • 1:36

    14 Jesus Proclaims Fulfillment of the Scriptures

  • 3:54

    15 Mary Magdalene Freed from Demons

  • 1:15

    16 Rivka's Home, Disciples Chosen and Women Followers

  • 0:52

    17 Rome Took Everything but Jesus Offered Hope

  • 1:09

    18 Jesus Raises the Widow's Son

  • 3:57

    19 Sermon on the Mount

  • 5:54

    20 The Woman at the Well

  • 2:14

    21 Teaching About Prayer and Faith

  • 1:11

    22 Jesus Spends Time with Sinners

  • 3:09

    23 The Woman with the Issue of Blood

  • 1:52

    24 Jairus' Daughter Brought Back to Life

  • 1:39

    25 Jesus Feeds 5,000

  • 1:39

    26 Teaching about Following Him

  • 1:58

    27 Healing on the Sabbath

  • 0:53

    28 Roman and Religious Leaders Upset with Jesus

  • 1:19

    29 Widow's Offering

  • 2:59

    30 The Adulterous Woman Forgiven

  • 0:58

    31 Judas agrees to Betray Jesus

  • 1:59

    32 Jesus Is Betrayed, Arrested

  • 4:29

    33 Jesus on Trial

  • 4:20

    34 Jesus Carries His Cross and Is Crucified

  • 0:47

    35 Mary Recalls Simeon's Words

  • 0:58

    36 The Thief Promised Paradise

  • 1:07

    37 Darkness and Jesus' Death

  • 2:21

    38 Burial of Jesus

  • 1:23

    39 Women at the Tomb, Body Gone

  • 2:37

    40 Magdalena Sees the Resurrected Jesus

  • 2:18

    41 Magdalena Explains Jesus' Death and Resurrection

  • 1:55

    42 Knowing God Personally

  • 3:12

    43 Rivka Believes

  • 1:38

    44 Living the Christian Life

  • 1:22:31

    45 Magdalena - Director's Cut


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